As the 15th Lok Sabha election draws near, political parties are coming out from their hibernation and getting into full swing to woo the voters. Manipur will go to poll on the 16th and the 23rd of April, 2009 for electing two MPs. Invariably the conflict torn State will once again be caught up with election fever. However, so far no election issue can swift voters’ mind from other long standing issues of the society like AFSPA, Insurgency, Lawlessness, etc. Children have no voting rights and many a time their voices are not heard as Election Manifestos give least importance to their issues. Election, being the only available democratic medium in which peoples’ mandate is counted for bringing a sea change in the entire governance, every voter must use the utmost wisdom while casting his/her vote.
It is a fact that many children in Manipur are the victims of AFSPA, Armed violence, Drugs, HIV-AIDS epidemic, etc. while the frequent curfews being imposed plus the failure of the Government in providing essential services like power, water and basic health services, not to mention the price hike of the essential commodities have resulted in the gross deprivation of the right to life, education and other fundamental rights of the children. We must envision the forthcoming election in the context of the situation of the Children and find out if there is any relevant election agenda and issue which contemplates to address children’s problems holistically.
The issue of child trafficking, child soldier, AIDS orphans, child labour, substance abuse, school dropouts, kidnapping and killing of children, collapsing juvenile justice system are few of the problems being tied to larger socio-political, economic and cultural issues. Hence children centric issues can be only be addressed when these broader issues of AFSPA, ill governance, state terrorism, insurgency and poverty are examined and resolved.
In the prevailing situation in Manipur, elections either of the Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha, a rational and decisive mandate of the voters envisaging accountable and transparent governance is crucially needed. The voters need to decide the right candidate to be elected considering the future of the children and must mount pressure on the political parties and the candidates for ensuring their concern and commitment upon children. Since issue of child rights violation is a political issue, it can be resolved only through a strong political intervention. If voters allow themselves to be fooled and purchased by money power of the politicians they not only sell out their voting rights but also ruin their future as well as the future of their children. Therefore we must stop the most unwise and unethical practice i.e. commoditization of the voting rights in elections at any cost; else the great blunder committed by today’s adults will never be forgiven by their children in future.
In the present electoral scenario which is largely overpowered by muscle and money diluting the very spirit and principles of democracy, a collective peoples’ upsurge for a free and fair election is called for. We believe an election through universal adult franchise is the backbone for a parliamentary form of democracy. Voting is not only a fundamental right for a bona fide citizen but also the primary responsibility for every sensible citizen. Politics based on a strong party ideology and policies, accountability and backed by leaders having a clean image with inspiring personality and character must be encouraged. One should not equate property, money and manipulation capability as plus factors for candidature. Voters’ wisdom and principle should be upheld and never be swayed by corruption and threats. Only then an enabling electoral environment can be created where public debate, open interaction and dialogue decide electoral fortune of the candidates through free and fair polls.
In the prevailing situation in Manipur, elections either of the Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha, a rational and decisive mandate of the voters envisaging accountable and transparent governance is crucially needed. The voters need to decide the right candidate to be elected considering the future of the children and must mount pressure on the political parties and the candidates for ensuring their concern and commitment upon children. Since issue of child rights violation is a political issue, it can be resolved only through a strong political intervention. If voters allow themselves to be fooled and purchased by money power of the politicians they not only sell out their voting rights but also ruin their future as well as the future of their children. Therefore we must stop the most unwise and unethical practice i.e. commoditization of the voting rights in elections at any cost; else the great blunder committed by today’s adults will never be forgiven by their children in future.
In the present electoral scenario which is largely overpowered by muscle and money diluting the very spirit and principles of democracy, a collective peoples’ upsurge for a free and fair election is called for. We believe an election through universal adult franchise is the backbone for a parliamentary form of democracy. Voting is not only a fundamental right for a bona fide citizen but also the primary responsibility for every sensible citizen. Politics based on a strong party ideology and policies, accountability and backed by leaders having a clean image with inspiring personality and character must be encouraged. One should not equate property, money and manipulation capability as plus factors for candidature. Voters’ wisdom and principle should be upheld and never be swayed by corruption and threats. Only then an enabling electoral environment can be created where public debate, open interaction and dialogue decide electoral fortune of the candidates through free and fair polls.
We would like to remind you, it is high time that the concerned civil society bodies strictly impose public code of conducts for elections that should be observed by all the political parties, candidates as well as the voters. The Young Mizo Association’s successful election reformation campaign in Mizoram may be opted as an eye opening example. Let us give our mandate for ensuring a just society in which children’s rights are fully protected and ensured. Let us strive together so that children’s issues are placed among the top agendas in every election thereby making it the major deciding factor for all the voters for they are our future. It will then truly be the benign beginning of a total democratic revolution for a just society.
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