The fact has been disclosed by the media team, when they have visited Sajik Tampak area after the recent gun fighting in between the Security forces and the Underground groups, the innocent people and small children are being deprived by the basic minimum need of health and education and other side Indian Parliament is taking credit to Right to education bill, but in actual, is it the parliamentarian know the real situation of the conflict area and how the children are facing the problem.
On 13th September, 2009 at around 6 am there was heavy firing in between the security personnel and the UG, the villagers took shelter in safe place, In a bid to differentiate between UG cadres and the villagers, any villager going for work in far off places was given a token by the security personnel, without token, no villager can venture outside. State Government has not taken any initiative to any developmental work in the region only some medicine has been distributed by the security personnel.
On 13th September, 2009 at around 6 am there was heavy firing in between the security personnel and the UG, the villagers took shelter in safe place, In a bid to differentiate between UG cadres and the villagers, any villager going for work in far off places was given a token by the security personnel, without token, no villager can venture outside. State Government has not taken any initiative to any developmental work in the region only some medicine has been distributed by the security personnel.
After the arms conflict on 13th September, the Sajik Tampak Jr. High School has been completely shut down since it was occupied by security personnel, there was no student and no teacher is attending the school. Parents are making the expenditure of Rs. 2000 for education of their children for getting admission in Private school.
How the education in conflict area is automatically going towards the privatise system, it is not possible by the farmer and the low income group families to send their children in private school.
At the time of illness, the patient should be taken all the way to Imphal which is 120 kms away. There is one primary health centre at Sajik Tampak but there is no doctor, There is no safe drinking water facility in the whole area. The villagers have been using water either from river or water-holes.
At the time of illness, the patient should be taken all the way to Imphal which is 120 kms away. There is one primary health centre at Sajik Tampak but there is no doctor, There is no safe drinking water facility in the whole area. The villagers have been using water either from river or water-holes.
As in many other parts of the state, there was no proper cultivation of paddy in Sajik Tampak area due to scanty rainfall. There was no cultivation of paddy at all in Aigejang. Because of this, the villagers were quite apprehensive of food grain shortage.
The Principal of one Private School said that 20 students have dropped out before half-yearly exam while 15 others have not come for second quarterly exam because their parents could not pay school fees.
Recently one PHC centre was damaged by one of the arms group as after the security personnel vacated after camp from PHC, in rural areas the health education related infrastructure are always been targeted by the security personnel as shelter and in result, this institutions are being targeted by the arms group, but questions arises that how population will survive without health and education, no civilization grown without these.
Reference – News in The Sangai Express dated 16th September, 2009
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